Aquarius Super Full Moon

Expect the Unexpected, and still ride that wave.

Up, down, push, pull, left, right, in and out of left field.

These are just some of the themes of this Supermoon in Aquarius, with a Uranus square and partway through Mercury retrograde. Which way is up again? How can we ride a wave if we’re stuck in a whirlpool? It’s there.. the flow, that is. You just have to surrender, and surrender, and surrender again! Are you breathing? Yes. Remember you are breathing. Follow your breath in and out. There it is. a little bit of clarity…

Our minds are a whirlwind sometimes. We can get completely lost in thought in a good and imaginative way, and then there’s the loss in analysis and obsession. Stop and come back to center again. Come back home.

We are living in times of unthinkable “out of left field” current events and news bombardment. We keep computers in our pockets that make sure we don’t miss a thing. But what does that do to our nervous system and how can we learn to regulate it? How can we stay grounded in outer space? There are no wrong answers (or may no one answer) to these questions, but simple questions to allow.

Aquarius gives us the power to rise above and become the observer of the observer of the mind. You watch your thoughts and then you watch yourself watching your thoughts… and there you are. Your true self. No body, no mind, no self. Just the oneness with everything that is. And you are completely at Peace in this place.

Jessi Bostad