Virgo New Moon 2024

Being self-serving through discernment.

The mantra commonly associated with Virgo Season is “I serve”. One of the most well known examples of this is Mother Theresa herself. A woman who was seemingly always at the service of others. But while we often think about serving others when we read the mantra above, we cannot forget that in order to serve others well, we must serve ourselves well first. I’m not talking about indulgence in luxuries or greed. I’m speaking directly to deep listening and discernment in regards to our time, our energy and our energetic personal space and resources.

As an Earth sign, Virgo teaches us to look to nature. Plants and animals in the wild are acutely tuned into their absolute needs for survival, (there is generally no skimping on needs). There is also generally no skimping on rest when rest is needed.

Now I’m not talking about distracting our minds with screens and entertainment. I am talking about the kind of intentional time with ourselves through stillness, ritual, meditation and yes, sometime actually sleeping. Singing, dancing, breathing and moving our bodies without the expectations of how they “should” be performing or what the result “should” be.

Maybe even the complete freedom of refilling ourselves which doesn’t involve an attachment to modern consumerism.

How can we tune in like the examples all around us in nature, and how can we learn to prioritize our needs? How can we set boundaries so that we are creating the space and time we may need to rest and reset without the guilt and shame that often come along. We live in a culture that pushes us to be busy, “productive” and distracted always, and most of us are functioning on fumes because of it. How can we normalize rest, and supportive practices that fill up our cups, rather than deplete them?

When we are struggling to rest because we cannot stop being busy, can we become curious about where the expectations of busy-ness are coming from? When we do not have the freedom to intentionally sit in ritual or meditate, is it possible to shift our perspectives about the obligations we have to fulfill in our day, by cultivating an underlying gratitude practice always?

”Find the medicine”

The medicine always exists and there is always A Way… even in stressful, challenging and demanding situations, we have the freedom and opportunity to cultivate and inner-culture of rest and ritual. The Universe IS inside us, and we can always be curious about The Way without judgement.

To have discernment is to have the ability to judge well, or operate from a place of good judgement. And, in order to serve others well, we must first serve ourselves. In all of the daily to-do’s, we can start to introduce the mantra “how AM I serving myself?”. If we are involved in an unenjoyable and mundane, but necessary task, we can be curious about what there is to be grateful for.

And we are always breathing… so we can always be grateful for our breath.

And the Earth beneath us.

And the Stars above.

Jessi Bostad