Aires Full Moon 2024
You have ARRIVED. You have made it to the other side of a transition… a stretching, pulling and dissolving that came with the last two eclipses of this Season. With this Supermoon in Aires, we have the full supported energy of a Rebirth and an Initiation.
Photo from our Sister Jenny Cornejo
With this newfound fire, we are sure of ourselves and what we are moving TOWARD. We are unafraid to step into the fire and know that we can harness and alchemize this powerful energy to ignite our true soul’s journey. Aires is the spark! This cardinal sign marks the beginning of something big, and as the Warrior women that we are, we can be unafraid of what’s to come and embrace what it is with confidence and enthusiasm.
The mantra for Aires is “I AM”, after all. And that is always enough.
Clare of the Solstice in full spiritual communion with the Blood Sister’s of the Red Temple Womb Cave
Our allies are everywhere, AND ALSO as we continue to move into a Season of veil-thinning, we can honor and acknowledge the Goddesses - who embody through their archetypes, the warrior woman spirit. Sometimes referred to as Dark Goddesses, these women are powerful and often shunned by patriarchal constructs of society:
The Morrigan
These Goddesses can be our allies. They remind us that our wildness, our eroticism and our sexual power are not evil, but glorious. Lilith is represented astrologically by a comet and is transiting Libra currently, and so while we are still in this Sun sign it is important we honor this Goddess who has often been misrepresented in history and religion. Lilith stands for all that is un-tethered and unrestricted. She is liberated, direct, harsh, and determined. She allows us to take off the rose-colored glasses and SEE the truth. She embraces her sexuality and laughs in the face of oppression. She does not lack compassion, but she does require us to go to the dark places and unearth the truths we don’t want to look at in order to find comfort in her companionship.
With Aires on our side this Full Moon, we have the strength to do exactly that.