Jessi is an Austin, TX native with deep Hill Country roots
Shawn & Jessi Bostad
Shawn- local contractor and business owner- Steelhead Design
Jessi- homeschooling mama and local fine artist- Jessi Bostad Art
From pipe dream to reality, Shawn and Jessi have always dreamed of building a sustainable retreat that could educate and inspire others to thrive in an a eco-friendly future.
After visiting the Doe Bay Retreat on Orca’s Island in the Puget Sound, they felt the desire to create a similar space for others to enjoy a sustainable, simpler and slower existence, and empower the next generation to live with a climate change and Earth- awareness through education and empowerment.
Cruz & Jet Bostad
Cruz & Jet are energetic Earth lovers, growing up in a rapidly changing world. They are the future, and are learning the skills needing to live sustainably and eco-friendly!